Friday, July 8, 2011

The Book of Horse

Lately I've been re-reading Michael Road's book Journey into Nature and have been reminded how at some levels we really are all one. In his book he relates experiences of being connected to horses ( and other creatures) and experiencing the world through their eyes and feelings. I've had some experiences myself where I've become a part of "Horse"- all horses that ever have been, are now, and ever will be. Horse consciousness, if you will. During these experiences I've been overwhelmed by horse's love for us and amazing generosity to us as a species. Our connection runs deep, and we really are made to support each other.

There is a big "Book of Horse" and we are each writing our own chapter, both in our Book of Horse and in their Book of Horse as perceived from their viewpoint. Their behavior and response helps us write the chapter in our book. Our chapter in their book is recorded in their group consciousness. Ultimately our chapters together inform all horses and humans and become a guide to help those who come after us. They give us a way to evolve our connection to and communication with Horse and with Nature through Horse. And if we can interact with kindness, understanding, love and respect, our connection increases and opens the door to even greater evolution.

Imagine a world where everyone can feel that huge love that flows through all of Nature. We can evolve in that direction, and each one of us who chooses to feel it and find it through horses contributes to our evolution.

So keep on lovin your horses, listen to them, watch their responses, imagine that they have feelings and intelligence of their own, reward them with your attention, kindiness, respect, and understanding. And know that you are writing chapters in the Book of Horse that can lead us all to a better life.